Nová hrotové ozubené brány Ribbed comb 3 sections width 2 meter buy in Ukraine

nová hrotové ozubené brány Ribbed comb 3 sections width 2 meter buy in Ukraine
nová hrotové ozubené brány Ribbed comb 3 sections width 2 meter buy in Ukraine
nová hrotové ozubené brány Ribbed comb 3 sections width 2 meter buy in Ukraine obraz 2
nová hrotové ozubené brány Ribbed comb 3 sections width 2 meter buy in Ukraine obraz 3
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313,70 €
13 740 UAH
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Lokalizácia:  Ukrajina m.Dnipro8446 km od vás
Dátum umiestnenia:  25. 12. 2024
Identifikačné číslo predajcu:  10346
Šírka záberu:  2 m
Celkový rozmer:  šírka - 2 m
Stav:  nový

Dodatočné informácie — Nová hrotové ozubené brány Ribbed comb 3 sections width 2 meter buy in Ukraine

To evenly distribute plant debris, crush clods of soil and partially loosen the soil, a 2-meter wide comb with three rows of teeth is installed on tillage units. The device is usually installed on cultivators, disc harrows or seeders. It is used as additional equipment in order to improve the general background of the field and is installed behind the main working bodies and in front of the packer rollers.
width: 2m
number of rows: 3
6 positions of angles of attack ( 38 °, 50 ° plus 4 additional )
processing depth: 20-80mm
tooth material: Heat-treated steel 60С2А
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