Nový kultivátor Verti-till turbo cultivator Green Wave 3.9 m

Nový kultivátor Verti-till turbo cultivator Green Wave 3.9 m - Agronetto
Nový kultivátor Verti-till turbo cultivator Green Wave 3.9 m | Obraz 1 - Agronetto
Nový kultivátor Verti-till turbo cultivator Green Wave 3.9 m | Obraz 2 - Agronetto
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Druh: kultivátor
Lokalizácia: Ukrajina m.Dnipro9354 km od vás
Identifikačné číslo predajcu: 10064
Dátum umiestnenia: viac ako 1 mesiac
Šírka záberu: 3,9 m
Stav: nový

Dodatočné informácie — Nový kultivátor Verti-till turbo cultivator Green Wave 3.9 m

In the presence of units with different working widths: 2.6 m, 3.9 m, 5.2 m, 6.5 m, 7.8 m, 9.1 m, 10.4 m, 11.7 m, 18.2 m.
Designed for various types of autumn-spring field work:

field work with a lot of crop residues;
crushing of a solid surface soil layer;
application and mixing of herbicides, compost and fertilizers;
preparation of the field, seed bed with traditional, preserving and zero technologies.

Advantages and design features of the Green Wave vertical tillage turbo cultivator with a working width of 3.9 m:

it is used in various soil and climatic zones when treating soils of different mechanical composition with moisture up to 28% and hardness up to 3.5 MPa (35 kg / cm²), not clogged with stones, flagstone and other obstacles;
it is aggregated with wheel and caterpillar tractors with engine power corresponding to the width of a particular model;
It is a trailed machine, it is controlled and serviced by one person (tractor driver);
the working bodies of the turbo cultivator are 13-wave turbo discs mounted on spring blocks;
vertical vibration of turbo discs affects the earth like a jackhammer, crushing the soil below the working depth level, breaking soil compaction and creating conditions for the accumulation and preservation of soil moisture;
when working on very heavy soils, it is possible to install discs at an angle in the range from 0 ° to 6 °. This makes it possible to better loosen and level the soil in difficult conditions;
spring blocks mounted on the frame in a checkerboard pattern, for better passage of crop residues;
equipped with a 3-row flex harrow and a spiral-shaped ribbed roller for even distribution of crop residues and crumbling of soil lumps;
the transfer of the turbo cultivator from the working position to the transport one, and vice versa, is carried out using hydraulic drives. In the parking position, the turbo cultivator is installed on the parking jack;
to adjust the degree of impact of the train harrow on the soil and plant debris, it is possible to set two tooth positions - 50 ° and 38 °, this is achieved by reversing the sections of the train;
range of working depth 0-18 cm;
the distance between the turbo discs is 16 cm;
5 bolt reinforced hub with two sealed SKF bearings;
the force of the springs at which the operation of the safety mechanism of the safety unit begins is 500 kg
the vertical stroke of the spring unit with turbo discs for circumventing obstacles is up to 250 mm.

Basic equipment:

turbo cultivator;
wavy turbo discs 570 mm x 5 mm 13 waves (32 mm wave depth);
three-row flex harrow;
spiral-shaped ribbed roller.

Additional equipment:

tubular roller with a flex harrow;
special loaders of the unit frame, for using a turbo cultivator on heavy soils, for better penetration of discs into the soil;
wavy turbo discs 550 mm x 5 mm 8 waves (65 mm wave depth);
mechanical granular fertilizer application system (for models with a working width of 2.6 m, 3.9 m, 5.2 m).


Type ... trailed
Tractor hitch ... pendulum
Average speed, km / h ... 15
Working width, m ... 3.9
Working length, m ... 7.9
Length during transportation, m ... 7.9
Height during transportation, m ... 1.7
Width during transportation, m ... 4.23
Total weight, t ... 4
Number of spring blocks, pcs … 12
Number of turbo disks, pcs ... 24
The distance between the turbo disks, m ... 0.162
Depth of processing, mm ... 0-180
Depth adjustment ... set of clips 50/30/19/10 / 7mm on the rods of hydraulic cylinders
Tire Sizes:
The support wheels of the wing frames ... 10.0 / 75-15.3 (14PR)
The support wheels of the frames of the central frame ... 19.0 / 45-17 (18PR)
Tire pressure, bar ... 4-5
Hydraulic system pressure, bar ... 180
Minimum tractor power, hp ... 200
When deep processing is recommended, hp ... 240
The number of staff, people ... 1
field work with a lot of crop residues;
crushing of a solid surface soil layer;
application and mixing of herbicides, compost and fertilizers;
preparation of the field, seed bed with traditional, preserving and zero technologies.
it is used in various soil and climatic zones when treating soils of different mechanical composition with moisture up to 28% and hardness up to 3.5 MPa (35 kg / cm²), not clogged with stones, flagstone and other obstacles;
it is aggregated with wheel and caterpillar tractors with engine power corresponding to the width of a particular model;
It is a trailed machine, it is controlled and serviced by one person (tractor driver);
the working bodies of the turbo cultivator are 13-wave turbo discs mounted on spring blocks;
vertical vibration of turbo discs affects the earth like a jackhammer, crushing the soil below the working depth level, breaking soil compaction and creating conditions for the accumulation and preservation of soil moisture;
when working on very heavy soils, it is possible to install discs at an angle in the range from 0 ° to 6 °. This makes it possible to better loosen and level the soil in difficult conditions;
spring blocks mounted on the frame in a checkerboard pattern, for better passage of crop residues;
equipped with a 3-row flex harrow and a spiral-shaped ribbed roller for even distribution of crop residues and crumbling of soil lumps;
the transfer of the turbo cultivator from the working position to the transport one, and vice versa, is carried out using hydraulic drives. In the parking position, the turbo cultivator is installed on the parking jack;
to adjust the degree of impact of the train harrow on the soil and plant debris, it is possible to set two tooth positions - 50 ° and 38 °, this is achieved by reversing the sections of the train;
range of working depth 0-18 cm;
the distance between the turbo discs is 16 cm;
5 bolt reinforced hub with two sealed SKF bearings;
the force of the springs at which the operation of the safety mechanism of the safety unit begins is 500 kg
the vertical stroke of the spring unit with turbo discs for circumventing obstacles is up to 250 mm.
turbo cultivator;
wavy turbo discs 570 mm x 5 mm 13 waves (32 mm wave depth);
three-row flex harrow;
spiral-shaped ribbed roller.
tubular roller with a flex harrow;
special loaders of the unit frame, for using a turbo cultivator on heavy soils, for better penetration of discs into the soil;
wavy turbo discs 550 mm x 5 mm 8 waves (65 mm wave depth);
mechanical granular fertilizer application system (for models with a working width of 2.6 m, 3.9 m, 5.2 m).
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Ak sa rozhodnete kúpiť zariadenie za nízku cenu, uistite sa, že komunikujete so skutočným predajcom. Zistite čo najviac informácií o majiteľovi zariadenia. Jedným zo spôsobov podvádzania je predstaviť sa ako skutočná spoločnosť. V prípade podozrenia nás o tom informujte o ďalšej kontrole prostredníctvom formulára spätnej väzby.

Cenová kontrola

Pred rozhodnutím o kúpe si pozorne prečítajte niekoľko predajných ponúk, aby ste poznali priemerné ceny zvoleného zariadenia. Ak je cena ponuky, ktorá sa vám páči, oveľa nižšia ako podobné ponuky, popremýšľajte o tom. Významný cenový rozdiel môže naznačovať skryté chyby alebo pokus predajcu o spáchanie podvodných činov.

Nekupujte výrobky, ktorých cena je príliš odlišná od priemernej ceny podobných zariadení.

Nedávajte súhlas s pochybnými prísľubmi a predplateným tovarom. V prípade pochybností sa nebojte nechať si objasniť detaily, požiadať o ďalšie fotografie a dokumenty o zariadeniach, skontrolovať pravosť dokumentov, klásť otázky.

Pochybná platba vopred

Najčastejší typ podvodu. Neféroví predajcovia môžu požiadať o určitú čiastku preddavku na "rezerváciu" vášho práva na nákup zariadenia. Týmto spôsobom, podvodníci môžu zhromaždiť veľké množstvo peňazí a zmiznúť, a už sa im nedovoláte.

Spôsoby tohto podvodu môžu zahŕňať:
  • Prevod zálohy na kartu
  • Nevyplácajte zálohu bez písomného dokladu, ktorý potvrdzuje proces prevodu peňazí, ak počas komunikácie predávajúci vzbudzuje pochybnosti.
  • Prevod na účet "správcu"
  • Takáto žiadosť by mala byť alarmujúca, s najväčšou pravdepodobnosťou komunikujete s podvodníkom.
  • Prevod na firemný účet s podobným názvom
  • Buďte opatrní, podvodníci sa môžu zamaskovať ako dobre známe spoločnosti a robiť menšie zmeny názvu. Neposielajte prostriedky, ak máte pochybnosti o názve spoločnosti.
  • Nahradenie vlastných údajov vo faktúre údajmi skutočnej spoločnosti
  • Pred uskutočnením prevodu sa uistite, že zadané údaje sú správne a že sa týkajú určenej spoločnosti.
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