Obilný kombajn Massey Ferguson Centora 7382

Ak sa rozhodnete kúpiť zariadenie za nízku cenu, uistite sa, že komunikujete so skutočným predajcom. Zistite čo najviac informácií o majiteľovi zariadenia. Jedným zo spôsobov podvádzania je predstaviť sa ako skutočná spoločnosť. V prípade podozrenia nás o tom informujte o ďalšej kontrole prostredníctvom formulára spätnej väzby.
Pred rozhodnutím o kúpe si pozorne prečítajte niekoľko predajných ponúk, aby ste poznali priemerné ceny zvoleného zariadenia. Ak je cena ponuky, ktorá sa vám páči, oveľa nižšia ako podobné ponuky, popremýšľajte o tom. Významný cenový rozdiel môže naznačovať skryté chyby alebo pokus predajcu o spáchanie podvodných činov.
Nekupujte výrobky, ktorých cena je príliš odlišná od priemernej ceny podobných zariadení.
Nedávajte súhlas s pochybnými prísľubmi a predplateným tovarom. V prípade pochybností sa nebojte nechať si objasniť detaily, požiadať o ďalšie fotografie a dokumenty o zariadeniach, skontrolovať pravosť dokumentov, klásť otázky.
Najčastejší typ podvodu. Neféroví predajcovia môžu požiadať o určitú čiastku preddavku na "rezerváciu" vášho práva na nákup zariadenia. Týmto spôsobom, podvodníci môžu zhromaždiť veľké množstvo peňazí a zmiznúť, a už sa im nedovoláte.
- Prevod zálohy na kartu
- Nevyplácajte zálohu bez písomného dokladu, ktorý potvrdzuje proces prevodu peňazí, ak počas komunikácie predávajúci vzbudzuje pochybnosti.
- Prevod na účet "správcu"
- Takáto žiadosť by mala byť alarmujúca, s najväčšou pravdepodobnosťou komunikujete s podvodníkom.
- Prevod na firemný účet s podobným názvom
- Buďte opatrní, podvodníci sa môžu zamaskovať ako dobre známe spoločnosti a robiť menšie zmeny názvu. Neposielajte prostriedky, ak máte pochybnosti o názve spoločnosti.
- Nahradenie vlastných údajov vo faktúre údajmi skutočnej spoločnosti
- Pred uskutočnením prevodu sa uistite, že zadané údaje sú správne a že sa týkajú určenej spoločnosti.
Kontakty predavača

Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Additional information :
Well maintained, 1 owner from new
Year 2017
Engine hours 1776
Working hours 1323
Front tires 900/60R32
Rear tires 600/55-26.5
Moisture and yield sensor
Header 9 meters
Rapeseed equipment
Header trolley
Thresher hours : 1323 h
Combine harvester type : Straw walker
= More information =
Type: Combine
Front tyre size: 900/60R32
Rear tyre size: 600/55-26.5
General condition: very good
Please contact Anthony Chevalier, Artūras Lapėta, Daniel Wójcik or Ulrik Duwe Andersen for more information
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Additional information :
Well maintained, 1 owner from new
Year 2017
Engine hours 1776
Working hours 1323
Front tires 900/60R32
Rear tires 600/55-26.5
Moisture and yield sensor
Header 9 meters
Rapeseed equipment
Header trolley
Thresher hours : 1323 h
Combine harvester type : Straw walker
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Zusätzliche Information :
Well maintained, 1 owner from new
Year 2017
Engine hours 1776
Working hours 1323
Front tires 900/60R32
Rear tires 600/55-26.5
Moisture and yield sensor
Header 9 meters
Rapeseed equipment
Header trolley
Thresher hours : 1323 h
Mähdrescher Typ : Strohläufer
= Weitere Informationen =
Typ: Mähdrescher
Reifengröße vorn: 900/60R32
Reifengröße hinten: 600/55-26.5
Allgemeiner Zustand: sehr gut
Wenden Sie sich an Ulrik Duwe Andersen, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten.
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Additional information :
Well maintained, 1 owner from new
Year 2017
Engine hours 1776
Working hours 1323
Front tires 900/60R32
Rear tires 600/55-26.5
Moisture and yield sensor
Header 9 meters
Rapeseed equipment
Header trolley
Thresher hours : 1323 h
Combine harvester type : Straw walker
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Información Adicional :
Well maintained, 1 owner from new
Year 2017
Engine hours 1776
Working hours 1323
Front tires 900/60R32
Rear tires 600/55-26.5
Moisture and yield sensor
Header 9 meters
Rapeseed equipment
Header trolley
Thresher hours : 1323 h
Tipo de cosechadora : Caminante de paja
= Más información =
Tipo: Combinado
Tamaño del neumático delantero: 900/60R32
Tamaño del neumático trasero: 600/55-26.5
Estado general: muy bueno
Póngase en contacto con Anthony Chevalier para obtener más información.
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Lisäinformaatio :
Well maintained, 1 owner from new
Year 2017
Engine hours 1776
Working hours 1323
Front tires 900/60R32
Rear tires 600/55-26.5
Moisture and yield sensor
Header 9 meters
Rapeseed equipment
Header trolley
Thresher hours : 1323 h
Leikkuupuimurin tyyppi : Kohlin puimuri
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Informations Complémentaires :
Well maintained, 1 owner from new
Year 2017
Engine hours 1776
Working hours 1323
Front tires 900/60R32
Rear tires 600/55-26.5
Moisture and yield sensor
Header 9 meters
Rapeseed equipment
Header trolley
Thresher hours : 1323 h
Combiner le type de moissonneuse : Promeneur de paille
= Plus d'informations =
Modèle: Combiné
Dimension des pneus avant: 900/60R32
Dimension des pneus arrière: 600/55-26.5
État général: très bon
Veuillez contacter Anthony Chevalier pour plus d'informations
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Additional information :
Well maintained, 1 owner from new
Year 2017
Engine hours 1776
Working hours 1323
Front tires 900/60R32
Rear tires 600/55-26.5
Moisture and yield sensor
Header 9 meters
Rapeseed equipment
Header trolley
Thresher hours : 1323 h
Combine harvester type : Straw walker
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
További információ :
Well maintained, 1 owner from new
Year 2017
Engine hours 1776
Working hours 1323
Front tires 900/60R32
Rear tires 600/55-26.5
Moisture and yield sensor
Header 9 meters
Rapeseed equipment
Header trolley
Cséplőórák : 1323 h
Kombájn típus : Szalmajáró
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Additional information :
Well maintained, 1 owner from new
Year 2017
Engine hours 1776
Working hours 1323
Front tires 900/60R32
Rear tires 600/55-26.5
Moisture and yield sensor
Header 9 meters
Rapeseed equipment
Header trolley
Thresher hours : 1323 h
Combine harvester type : Straw walker
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Ďalšie informácie :
Well maintained, 1 owner from new
Year 2017
Engine hours 1776
Working hours 1323
Front tires 900/60R32
Rear tires 600/55-26.5
Moisture and yield sensor
Header 9 meters
Rapeseed equipment
Header trolley
Hodiny mlátičky : 1323 h
Typ kombajnu : Chodítko na slamu
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Extra informatie :
Well maintained, 1 owner from new
Year 2017
Engine hours 1776
Working hours 1323
Front tires 900/60R32
Rear tires 600/55-26.5
Moisture and yield sensor
Header 9 meters
Rapeseed equipment
Header trolley
Dorsuur uren : 1323 h
Type maaidorser : Stro rollator
= Meer informatie =
Type: Combine
Bandenmaat voor: 900/60R32
Bandenmaat achter: 600/55-26.5
Algemene staat: zeer goed
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Ytterligere informasjon :
Well maintained, 1 owner from new
Year 2017
Engine hours 1776
Working hours 1323
Front tires 900/60R32
Rear tires 600/55-26.5
Moisture and yield sensor
Header 9 meters
Rapeseed equipment
Header trolley
Treskertimer : 1323 h
skurtresker type : Halmrullator
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Dodatkowe informacje :
Well maintained, 1 owner from new
Year 2017
Engine hours 1776
Working hours 1323
Front tires 900/60R32
Rear tires 600/55-26.5
Moisture and yield sensor
Header 9 meters
Rapeseed equipment
Header trolley
Thresher hours : 1323 h
Typ kombajnu zbożowego : Wytrząsacz słomy
= Więcej informacji =
Typ: Kombajn
Rozmiar opon przednich: 900/60R32
Rozmiar opon tylnych: 600/55-26.5
Stan ogólny: bardzo dobrze
Aby uzyskać więcej informacji, należy skontaktować się z Daniel Wójcik
Tamanho do pneu dianteiro: 900/60R32
Tamanho do pneu traseiro: 600/55-26.5
Estado geral: muito bom
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Дополнительная информация :
Well maintained, 1 owner from new
Year 2017
Engine hours 1776
Working hours 1323
Front tires 900/60R32
Rear tires 600/55-26.5
Moisture and yield sensor
Header 9 meters
Rapeseed equipment
Header trolley
Thresher hours : 1323 h
Тип зерноуборочного комбайна : Соломотряс
= Дополнительная информация =
Тип: Комбайн
Размер передних шин: 900/60R32
Размер задних шин: 600/55-26.5
Общее состояние: очень хорошее
Свяжитесь с Artūras Lapėta для получения дополнительной информации
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Annan Information :
Well maintained, 1 owner from new
Year 2017
Engine hours 1776
Working hours 1323
Front tires 900/60R32
Rear tires 600/55-26.5
Moisture and yield sensor
Header 9 meters
Rapeseed equipment
Header trolley
Tröskeltimmar : 1323 h
Typ av tröska : Skakare
= Ytterligare information =
Typ av fordon: Tröska
Däckstorlek för: 900/60R32
Storlek på bakdäck: 600/55-26.5
Allmänt tillstånd: mycket bra