Row cleaner on coulter PIEROBON monodisk right na sejačky John Deere

Row cleaner on coulter PIEROBON monodisk right na sejačky John Deere
Row cleaner on coulter PIEROBON monodisk right na sejačky John Deere
Row cleaner on coulter PIEROBON monodisk right na sejačky John Deere obraz 2
Row cleaner on coulter PIEROBON monodisk right na sejačky John Deere obraz 3
Zaujal vás inzerát?
159,80 €
7 000 UAH
Obráťte sa na predajcu
Druh:  ostatné prevádzkové diely
Lokalizácia:  Ukrajina m.Dnipro
Dátum umiestnenia:  viac ako 1 mesiac
Identifikačné číslo predajcu:  10391
Stav:  nový

Dodatočné informácie — Row cleaner on coulter PIEROBON monodisk right na sejačky John Deere

The diameter of the disk, mm - 320.
The width of the strip to be cleaned, cm - 15.
Row cleaners are an optional extra. Their task is to remove plant debris, clods of earth and stones from the seed furrow. Row cleaners are highly demanded when sowing according to zero technology or in the field with a large number of plant residues.
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